
Hello Everyone! My name is Tonya, I live in South Florida and I am a stay-at-home mom with three children. Because we don’t have that second income I can’t always afford all of the little luxuries in life like professionally done manis and pedis, however I love how a fresh coat of paint on my nails makes me feel. I decided a while back that I would just do my own nails and this is how my obsession started with nail art. I used my daughter as my guinea pig and got started with my 15 bottles of polish and toothpicks. My horizons broadened in 2014 when my husband bought me my first set of nail brushes. After that it was if my obsession took off overnight into over 200 polishes and a healthy collection of accessories.

When I am having a bad day, doing my nails always make me feel better. With the busy lives we all live, sometimes we forget to take time out to pamper ourselves and do little things to make us feel good about ourselves. Doing nails is my relaxation technique that helps me feel rejuvenated.

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